Be safe - hunting season 2023

FYI: NH Deer/Archery Hunting Season begins September 15, 2023.

Hunters and hikers can safely share the great outdoors. Most hunters will try and steer clear of hikers, not only for safety, but because hikers tend to scare deer away. If you are a hiker, please try to take extra precautions.

Legal hunting times in New Hampshire for most game run from ½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset. Wildlife, and consequently hunters, are most active at dawn and dusk. Midday hikes when light conditions are best.

Stay on designated trails: Hunters know to expect people on trails, but may not anticipate hikers in the woods.

Be visible: It’s best to wear high-visibility blaze orange clothing any time you hit the trail during hunting season. Make yourself visible to hunters by wearing a blaze orange vest, hat, jacket, or all three…And don't forget a vest for your dog!

Don’t be caught off guard: During archery season, many hunters dress in full camouflage. You may not see them as easily as they will see you.